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Single-line PowerShell commands for analysis

I was going through some articles and identified one of the best One-liners by @Leonard Savina.

Guide on detecting potential remote attacks on Windows systems using PowerShell commands and system tools.

Windows Security Log Analysis:

Configuration Setup:

  • Configure advanced security audit policy settings via Group Policy Object (GPO) to ensure necessary events are logged.

  • Enable auditing for specific categories like Process Tracking\Process Creation, Object Access\Detailed File Share, and Privilege Use\Sensitive Privilege Use.

Relevant Event IDs:

  • Event ID 5145: Monitors detailed file share accesses (e.g., ADMIN$, C$, IPC$) and detects write access requests (%%4417 = WriteData).

  • Event ID 4688: Tracks process creation events, focusing on elevated token types (TokenElevationTypeDefault or TokenElevationTypeFull).

  • Event ID 4674: Detects sensitive privilege use events, including SeTcbPrivilege, SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege, or SeDebugPrivilege.

PowerShell One-Liner:

Analyzing these events in succession might indicate a potential remote attack.

Command :- get-eventlog -log security | where-object { $_.TimeGenerated -gt (get-date).adddays(-5) -AND $_.EntryType -eq 'SuccessAudit' -AND (($_.EventID -eq "5145" -AND $_.Message -match "\\\\\*\\ADMIN\$|\\\\\*\\C\$|\\\\\*\\IPC\$" -AND $_.Message -match "\%\%4417") -OR ($_.EventID -eq "4674" -AND $_.Message -match "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege|SeDebugPrivilege|SeTcbPrivilege") -OR ($_.EventID -eq "4688" -AND $_.Message -match "\%\%1936|\%\%1937"))} | sort-object -property TimeGenerated

Active Connection Analysis:

The following one-liner displays the netstat output and gives us the name of the process used now by the attacker in a more readable format than the netstat -anb command:

Command :- netstat -ano | Select-String -Pattern '\s+(TCP|UDP)' | foreach-object { $item = $_.line.split(' ',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries); if (($item[2] -notmatch '|\[::1\]:') -and ($item[2] -ne '*:*') -and ($item[2] -ne '') -and ($item[2] -ne '[::]:0')) { ($item[0]+"`t"+$item[1]+"`t"+$item[2]+"`t"+$item[3]+"`t"+(get-process -id $item[4]).Name) | ft } }


netstat -ano | Select-String -Pattern '\s+(TCP|UDP)' | foreach-object {

$item = $_.line.split(' ',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

if ($item[4] -ne $null -and $item[4] -ne '') {

try {

$process = Get-Process -Id $item[4] -ErrorAction Stop

($item[0]+"`t"+$item[1]+"`t"+$item[2]+"`t"+$item[3]+"`t"+$process.Name) | ft

} catch {

Write-Host "Error getting process for ID $($item[4]): $_"


} else {

Write-Host "No valid Process ID found."



NOTE:- Beware that you should not enable the Object Access\Detailed File Share setting on all types of servers: For example on a DC, because the SYSVOL share is often accessed by all your domain clients this setting will generate an important volume of logs to store/analyze.

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