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NTFS: Understanding Metadata Structures($MFT) and Types of System Files


In the realm of file systems, metadata structures play a pivotal role in organizing and managing data. These structures, often referred to as "metadata," contain vital information about files and directories stored on the filesystem.

Understanding Metadata Structures:

Metadata structures serve as repositories of data about data, encapsulating details such as timestamps, permissions, ownership, file size, and pointers to file data locations. For NTFS, the MFT reigns supreme as the core metadata structure, housing MFT entries (or records) for every file and folder on the volume. Each MFT entry contains essential information required to describe the associated file comprehensively.

The MFT is the Metadata Catalog for NTFS

Master File Table (MFT):

The MFT serves as a structured database within NTFS, storing MFT entries for all files and directories. These entries contain critical information like filenames, timestamps, permissions, and pointers to file data. In the case of non-resident files, where data is stored in clusters on the volume, MFT entries provide pointers to retrieve this data.

Data Storage in NTFS:

When data exceeds the capacity of an MFT entry, NTFS resorts to storing it in clusters on the volume. The file system tracks cluster allocation using a hidden file called the $Bitmap. Each cluster is represented by a single bit in the $Bitmap, indicating whether it is allocated or unallocated. Fragmentation, depicted by sequential gaps in cluster allocation, may occur but is typically mitigated by Windows' efforts to maintain contiguous file clusters.

System Files in NTFS:

NTFS relies on several system files to manage the filesystem effectively. These files, denoted by a "$" prefix, are hidden from view and serve distinct purposes.

$MFT (Master File Table):

  • The cornerstone of NTFS metadata, containing records for every file and folder on the volume.

  • Record 0 describes the MFT itself, providing essential information for locating other MFT clusters. $MFTMirr (MFT Mirror):

  • Acts as a backup of the primary $MFT, safeguarding against physical disk damage.

  • Typically consists of the first four MFT records, ensuring critical MFT data redundancy. $LogFile (Transaction Logging):

  • Stores transactional logging information for maintaining filesystem integrity in case of crashes.

  • Essential for journaling filesystem changes and ensuring data consistency. $Volume:

  • Contains volume metadata such as the volume name, NTFS version, and flags indicating clean unmount status.

  • Used for display purposes in system interfaces like My Computer. $Bitmap:

  • A binary data file tracking cluster allocation status on the volume.

  • Each cluster's corresponding bit indicates allocation status (allocated/unallocated). $Boot:

  • Allows access to the Volume Boot Record (VBR) through standard file I/O operations. $BadClus:

  • Marks clusters with physical damage, preventing data storage to ensure data reliability.

  • Sparse file filled with zeros, with non-zero data indicating damaged cluster locations. $Secure:

  • Contains an index for tracking security information associated with files on the system.

  • Centralizes security information to optimize lookup efficiency. $Extend$ObjId:

  • Index of object IDs used within the volume, enabling file tracking despite changes like renaming or moving. $Extend$UsnJrnl:

  • Update Sequence Number (USN) Journal, also known as the Change Journal.

  • Indexes system-wide file changes and reasons for the changes, facilitating system monitoring and analysis.


NTFS system files form the backbone of filesystem management, providing essential functionality for data organization, integrity maintenance, and access control. Understanding the roles and significance of these system files enhances insight into NTFS's inner workings and its capabilities in managing filesystem data effectively.

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