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Forensic Collection of Execution Evidence through Prefetch Analysis


In the intricate landscape of digital forensics, one often-overlooked goldmine of information lies within the Windows Prefetch directory.


Prefetching is a proactive mechanism employed by the Windows operating system to enhance system performance. It involves loading essential data and code from disk into memory before it is actually needed. As a result, applications can launch faster, optimizing the overall user experience and, leaves a trail of .pf files that can be invaluable for forensic analysts into Prefetch directory.

Prefetch Directory Structure:

The Prefetch directory maintains a collection of .pf files, each generated after the first execution of an application. Notably, on Windows 7 and earlier versions, the Prefetch directory is limited to 128 files, while Windows 8 and above can accommodate up to 1,024 files.

******Forensic Value of Prefetch Files:*****

Prefetch filenames are a combination of the executable file name and a hash of the file's path. These files serve as valuable artifacts, indicating the execution of applications. Embedded within each .pf file are critical details, including the total number of application executions, the original execution path, and the timestamp of the last execution.

Enhancements from Windows 8 Onwards:

Starting with Windows 8 and continuing through Windows 10, up to eight execution times are stored within each Prefetch file. When coupled with the file system creation time of the .pf file, investigators can glean a comprehensive view of application runtimes, providing nuanced insights into system activities.

******Detecting Anomalies:*****

An essential forensic practice involves scrutinizing the Prefetch directory for multiple files with the same executable name. This observation can unveil instances where an executable with the same name was run from different locations, potentially indicating suspicious activity. Exceptions exist for Windows hosting applications like svchost, dllhost, backgroundtaskhost, and rundll32, which may legitimately have multiple Prefetch files due to varied command line arguments.

Best Practices for Collection:

****Live response tools executed on a target system trigger the creation of new prefetch files****. Given the limited number of available prefetch files on a system, it is crucial to prioritize the collection of the Prefetch directory during forensic investigations. This precaution ensures the preservation of critical evidence and prevents the inadvertent loss of valuable data.

Auditing and Disabling Prefetch:

The blog outlines the process of auditing and disabling Prefetch through registry settings.

Understanding the registry key Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory


Value: EnablePrefetcher


Value: 0

The EnablePrefetcher value has the following settings:

0 = Disabled

1 = Application launch prefetching enabled

2 = Boot prefetching enabled

3 = Application launch and boot enabled

To disable Prefetch, set the value to 0.

Notes :- Prefetch is only enabled on windows workstations by default, not on server

           :-Any Valid Svchost.exe process should have -k parameter followed by 1 or more value


Unveiling the forensic potential of Windows Prefetch files provides digital investigators with a powerful tool for reconstructing the timeline of application executions. By understanding the structure of prefetch files and adopting best practices for collection, forensic analysts can harness this rich source of information to unravel the intricate details of system activities and identify potential security threats.

Akash Patel

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