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Exploring Suricata: Part 1

In this guide, I'll delve into the world of Suricata, covering its installation, configuration, and its prowess as a robust intrusion detection system (IDS) and intrusion prevention system (IPS).

What I'll Be Covering

Our journey kicks off with an introductory session on Suricata, followed by detailed insights into:

  1. Installation and Configuration: Discover how simple it is to set up Suricata compared to other systems like Snot. Learn how to update rule sets and maneuver through Suricata's configuration file.

  2. Custom Rule Writing: Explore the art of crafting custom Suricata rules to tailor your security measures.

  3. Network Intrusion Detection: Master the art of detecting network intrusions using Suricata, its speed, and user-friendly management.

Why Choose Suricata?

You might wonder, "Why shift from Snort to Suricata?" Suricata boasts faster speeds, easier manageability, and a syntax that aligns closely with Snort's, requiring minimal additional learning. It's a preferred choice for many security enthusiasts and professionals.

Where is Suricata Placed in a Network?

Suricata can be implemented in two primary modes - Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).

IDS Mode:

In the IDS mode, Suricata serves as a vigilant watcher, analyzing network traffic for potential threats without actively interfering. Here's a glimpse of its placement:

IPS Mode:

When operating in IPS mode, Suricata transforms into an active defender, capable of detecting and immediately blocking malicious traffic. Here's how it's placed within the network:

In next Part, I will talk about how to download Suricata which tools we required to run properly.

Until than Bye bye

Akash Patel

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