Well another tool in my inventory that has garnered my attention is Cyber Triage.
If i start with overview Cyber Triage provide cybersecurity professionals with quick and comprehensive answers to intrusion-related queries.
Developed by Brian Carrier, renowned for his work on filesystem forensic analysis, Autopsy, and The Sleuth Kit (TSK).
What I Like About Cyber Triage:
--The tool provides a user-friendly interface with straightforward options.
--It covers a wide range of artifacts, including processes, network activity, user logins, and more, simplifying the investigation process.
--Ability to create timelines, identify network connections.
--Ability to flag Bad/suspicious items with recommendations, allowing the analyst to focus on potential threats and investigate further.
Functionality of this tool which I used a lot:
--Disk Image Analysis
Cyber Triage excels in images. It conducts a thorough scan, collecting volatile data, encompassing running processes, open ports, logged-in users, network connections, DNS cache, and more. Notably, it identifies suspicious items, streamlining the investigative process.
--Memory Image Analysis
In the memory analysis, Cyber Triage shines by utilizing the powerful Volatility framework (Which is the best framework till now in term of memory analysis according to me for example tool volatility 3). It provides intricate details about running processes, user accounts, execution history, and network connections from memory artifacts. The tool adeptly flags suspicious items, aiding in the identification of potential threats
Lets talk about Usage:
--Cyber Triage offers two main modes: live (automatic or manual) and file analysis (disk or memory images).
--It can be deployed on endpoints through a collection tool, manually run from removable media, or process disk and memory images..
--Users can perform quick and effective incident response by leveraging the automated analysis process.
My Point of view:
Cyber Triage is valuable tool for automated incident response and forensic analysis. I used this tool a lot because of multiple reasons like ease of use and comprehensive analysis.
and this tool is a beneficial addition to my cybersecurity toolkit.
Wanna check out (Link given) :- https://www.cybertriage.com/
Akash Patel